KnowledgePoints is truly committed to helping students succeed. This includes working collaboratively with school districts, community groups, churches and others who share their commitment to students. It is all about living our vision, “creating success by changing lives”.
School Support
KnowledgePoints has always been interested in expanding its commitment to the students they serve as well as their school districts. For example, beginning in 2018 KnowledgePoints has provided scholarships to graduating seniors pursuing a college degree in education. KnowledgePoints has also created a parent workshop series, including “Seven Steps to Homework Success”, and has offered these workshops to schools, parent teacher organizations and others, at no cost to the organization. In addition, the Company developed a student testing strategies handout for the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (“PSSA”). The handout was customized for the school and available in an elementary or secondary level version. Thousands of these PSSA handouts have been distributed to students in a number of school districts since 2012 at no charge.Other School Support
KnowledgePoints has further expanded its commitment to the students they serve as well as their school districts. For example, the Company developed a student testing strategies handout for the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (“PSSA”). The handout is customized for the school and available in an elementary or secondary level version. Thousands of these PSSA handouts have been distributed to students in a number of school districts since 2012 at no charge. KnowledgePoints has also created a parent workshop series, including “Seven Steps to Homework Success”, and offers these workshops to schools, parent teacher organizations and others, again at no cost to the organization.Community Support
In addition to the direct support of students through schools or parent teacher organizations, KnowledgePoints is committed to working with community groups and organizations that serve or benefit students. We provide support to these organizations in various ways. This includes financial support, such as donations (i.e. – gift cards and certificates, prizes, etc.) for fundraisers, sponsorships and other contributions. Many of our staff also volunteers their time to help these community groups.This may include becoming a member of an organization or just participating in one of their events. In some cases, KnowledgePoints acts as a facilitator, bringing groups together that have mutually beneficial programs or resources. In addition, when available, the Company distributes extra or gently used curriculum materials to these non-profit organizations. See a list of some of the organizations that we have supported.
Back Pack Giveaways
Starting in 2010, KnowledgePoints in Pennsylvania began donating and distributing backpacks and school supplies to students in need. We work with Churches and vendors to provide these backpacks. Since the start of this imitative, hundreds of backpacks and school supplies have been provided to students.
Groups and Organizations Supported by KnowlegePoints